Friday, June 17, 2011

What were the most rewarding aspects of student teaching?

     Q:  What were the most rewarding aspects of student teaching?

     A:   One of my professors always used to say, “The best teachers are those who have as much to learn as they do to teach.”  I discovered that to be a good teacher one always has to be open to new strategies, new techniques, and new possibilities.  Student teaching made clear to me that just because I have a lot of “book learning” doesn’t mean that I know everything there is to know about teaching.  Not only did I have to keep up on the latest information about biology education, I also had to be open to suggestions and comments from other teachers, administrators, and yes, even students.  Keeping an open mind was critical to my success as a student teacher as I’m sure it will be to my success as a biology teacher.  I don’t believe there’s such a thing as a finite body of knowledge – good teachers are always searching for new information and are always willing to consider new possibilities.

            Administrators want to hire people who are not only consummate teachers, but are well-rounded as well.  This question provides you with a unique opportunity to demonstrate your personal philosophy as well as your professional philosophy.  Your response should show evidence of both your teaching competence as well as your long-term potential.

     “I particularly dislike candidates who ramble on and on about themselves or communicate they are ‘in love with themselves.’”

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