Saturday, March 3, 2018

A Master Teacher

Quite often in this blog we've talked about your teaching philosophy.  This is a critical element of the interview process.  Every administrator wants to make sure that whomever they hire is a good "fit" into the community of their school as well as into its overall philosophy.  As a result, you will often get several "philosophy" questions similar to this one;

     What characteristics make a master teacher?

     A:   I believe there are three qualities every outstanding teacher should have.  First, he or she should be a constant learner.  They should realize that education is as much about the journey as it is the destination.  Continuous learning is an essential ingredient in every teacher’s career.  Second, they need to develop a positive partnership with their students.  They need to create a classroom that is truly a “Community of Learners” – one that supports and encourages learners of very stripe both cognitively and affectively.  And, third, a master teacher must be willing to admit mistakes.  Teaching is never a perfect science and we will all make some mistakes along the way.  Good teachers – just like good students – learn from their mistakes to become stronger, better, and more accomplished.  I believe I have those three qualities.
The interviewer wants to know if you are aware of the qualities of outstanding teachers AND how well you match those qualities.  From your answer the interviewer must be confident that you are keenly aware of the expectations of teachers and must be equally aware that your skills and talents are in line with those abilities and/or philosophy.  If you are not directly asked this question, it would be a good one to use as a wrap-up to the interview – particularly in response to a question like, “Is there anything else you would like to say or add to this interview?”