A: I’ve spent a lot of time in classrooms – during my field experiences requirements, student teaching experience, and volunteer work at the elementary school in my hometown. I talked to several teachers here and throughout the district and asked them what they enjoy most about the Wide Open Spaces School District and they all said they especially like the camaraderie and support system in place for teachers. I get a real sense that there is a spirit of cooperation and dedication here that is important in the education of children, but equally so in maintaining high morale and a vision for the future. I believe I can thrive in this type of atmosphere and am confident that my philosophy and that of the school will be a long-term match.
This can be a tricky question, but if you have done your homework about the school or district it can be answered with confidence and assurance. Let the interviewer know that you have gone above and beyond in your teacher preparation program – that you’ve seen teaching from many different angles. In addition, allow the interviewer an opportunity to see how your philosophy and that of the school are mutually compatible – that you are just not excited about teaching, but that you are especially excited about teaching in this particular school. Allow your enthusiasm and energy to come to the fore; demonstrate your passion through tone of voice, body language, and animation. Since this will undoubtedly be one of the final questions you’ll be asked, make sure you put a large exclamation point on your response.
FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK: “The best prepared candidates are those who did their homework on the school and can ask meaningful questions.” |