Here’s a harsh reality – The interviewer is not interested in hiring you (Wow – that is harsh!). He or she is interested in hiring the best-qualified individual for the position. If it is you, then that is fine by the interviewer. If it is someone else, then that’s also fine for the interviewer. In short, YOU are not the commodity – you just happen to be the person sitting across from an interviewer who wants to fill an open slot in his/her faculty. You can assist the interviewer tremendously by keeping the focus off you and directly on the contributions you can make to the welfare of the school. If you frequently use “I” or “me” in your interview you will send a negative message to the interviewer – a message that you are the most important part of the equation. However, when you use “you” and “we” throughout the conversation then you are shifting the emphasis to where it should be – away from you and on to them.
FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK: “Keep all your answers kid-centered. You can’t go wrong there.” |