Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Who's the Toughest Professor You've Ever had?

Q:  Who’s the toughest professor you’ve ever had, and why?
A:  There’s no question – that would be Dr. Sutherland.  I took three methods courses from him and he always asked hard questions.  He never asked the easy questions…the factual questions…he always pushed me mentally, always made me think outside the box.  He was never satisfied with a simple answer – he always wanted an explanation, a reason, a personal opinion.  I probably thought more in his classes than in all my other classes combined.  But you know what?  I became a better question-asker with my students as a result of his probing and pushing.  Yes, he was tough – but he was also a good model!

            Here’s a delightful opportunity to put a positive spin on one of your challenges.  Don’t make the mistake of tearing someone down – of “bad-mouthing” someone.  You’ll never win a friend with the interviewer if you do.  Use this question as a chance to show how you are continuing to grow as both a teacher and as a person.

     One candidate made the mistake of badmouthing a particular professor who (according to the candidate) “…wouldn’t even let us text message during his godawful boring lectures!”  What the candidate didn’t realize was that the professor was the principal’s brother.