Sunday, September 25, 2016

Your Special Skills

A teacher interview offers you a wonderful opportunity to highlight skills and talents that may not be evident on your resume.  Here's a question often asked near the end of an interview - a chance for you to highlight your unique talents.

      What special skills or talents will you bring to your classroom?

     A:   I’ve always been interested in theatre.  I was in a number of plays in college and served as a youth director for a production at a local repertory company in town.  I’ve read some books about readers theatre and how valuable it can be as a language arts activity.  I’ve learned how it can help kids become more fluent readers and would like to make it part of my language arts curriculum.  From what I’ve read I think it can be a positive addition to the classroom curriculum and a way to get kids more actively engaged in their own learning.
With this question the interviewer is providing you with an opportunity to demonstrate how well-rounded you are.  Don’t blow this wonderful chance to let your personality and talents show through.  As in all your responses, select examples that can have a connection to what goes on in a classroom or to specific elements of the overall curriculum.  Let your talents and skills shine, but don’t go overboard.

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