Thursday, March 3, 2016

What Would Others Say About You?

Here's an interview question that pops up much more than you might think.  It's a good self-reflection query that allows an interviewer to see who you really are.  Your perceptions of what others think about you can be quite revealing.  Most important, your response will determine if your personality is consistent with the "personality" of the school.  If you've researched the school beforehand, you'll know if the two personalities are compatible.

     How would your college supervisor (or cooperating teacher) describe you?

     A:   He would probably use two words to describe me – “dynamic” and “persistent.”  I’m a person who is always on the go; someone who is always willing to try new things, new approaches, and new strategies.  I guess I’m never satisfied with the status quo.  For example, our third grade students were having difficulty making connections between their background knowledge and the information in a story during their reading lessons.  I asked my cooperating teacher if I could use a strategy one of my professors taught me – something called “Concept Cards” to help students see how the knowledge we bring to reading is as important as the knowledge we get from reading.  It took me about a week to set up this new approach and it worked beyond our wildest dreams.  It was a struggle at first, but I stuck with it and now all the third grade teachers are using it.  It was a great experience for the students and a great opportunity for me to apply some book knowledge in a practical way.
Pick something positive that your supervisor or cooperating teacher would say about you, but be honest.  You can bet that your interviewer will ask this person the same question.  Then, to support your point, describe a very specific example of how you solved a problem or tackled a difficult situation.  Provide specific details about how your efforts contributed to improved student performance.  Describe the strategy or approach and the specific results you obtained.

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