Negative attitude
Listening to someone with a negative attitude is always a drain – emotionally, psychologically, and personally. The same holds true for someone who is always badmouthing other people (“Well, of course, I got a “B” in the Teaching Elementary Science course; my professor was a total idiot!”). Principals don’t hire “bad attitudes” – they want people with a positive outlook, a good sense of humor, a sunny disposition, and an engaging personality. They want to hire teachers who will be good role models for students. Negative people are not part of that dynamic.
INSIDER TIP: Be a gracious guest. If the interviewer is late for the interview, shrug it off. If the interviewer answers the phone several times during the interview, just let it be. If people stick their head into the room several times during the interview, don’t let it rattle you. If you show any signs of irritation or over-reaction over these little “slights,” you’ll never get a job offer. |